for a write up and pictures that describe it well, and here for his video
Here for more
All the car links I can imagine, are already in one nice format
From the French / English is the well done alphabetized
Infos sur cette page
Automanufacturer websites 89 of them
performance parts websites 64
Tire companies 12
Fédérations, Clubs, Associations...
Automobile designers
Infos sur cette page
Automanufacturer websites 89 of them
performance parts websites 64
Tire companies 12
Fédérations, Clubs, Associations...
Automobile designers
60 bucks a barrel for oil from OPEC, 2.75 a gallon... does the math work?
rounding off all numbers for brevity: 42 gallons of crude - 50% becomes gas =21 gallons gas.
60 bucks a barrel is 60 bucks for 21 gallons at 2.75 a gallon, well that means that the other 50% of that barrel isn't accounted for, or, 1/2 of every barrel becomes pure profit for the refinery company. That doesn't seem unreasonable... I think.

60 bucks a barrel is 60 bucks for 21 gallons at 2.75 a gallon, well that means that the other 50% of that barrel isn't accounted for, or, 1/2 of every barrel becomes pure profit for the refinery company. That doesn't seem unreasonable... I think.

Moldy Marvin's next show, July 21 at LACR
Saturday July 21st 2007 Los Angeles County Raceway!
It's Moldy Marvin's 8th Annual Rat Fink.Party and Kustom Kulture Extravaganza
here's a link to a gallery from the 2006 show
It's Moldy Marvin's 8th Annual Rat Fink.Party and Kustom Kulture Extravaganza
here's a link to a gallery from the 2006 show
Shell and Dow busted for fixing prices on tire rubber
EU Competition Commissioner Neelie Kroes busted 5 companies for colluding to rig prices of rubber ingredients used in tires, Shell was fined €160.9 million and Dow €64.6 million.
EU Competition Commissioner Neelie Kroes busted 5 companies for colluding to rig prices of rubber ingredients used in tires, Shell was fined €160.9 million and Dow €64.6 million.
Best hot rod phrases
Those aren't oil leaks, my musclecar is just marking it's territory.
That isn't an oil leak, it's HORSEPOWER SWEAT!
And I was just told by Tris, that BFG has a TV commercial that has 30 seconds of a car spinning the tires, and the shrieking sound is all you hear, afterwards, the voice over comments "it isn't the tires screaming, its the asphalt!"
That isn't an oil leak, it's HORSEPOWER SWEAT!
And I was just told by Tris, that BFG has a TV commercial that has 30 seconds of a car spinning the tires, and the shrieking sound is all you hear, afterwards, the voice over comments "it isn't the tires screaming, its the asphalt!"
Don't do this, I hit a dip in the road too fast, again.

JB weld to the rescue! Again! Seals like a weld job.
Much less expensive than a new 8 qt oil pan. (about 150 for another deep one that I'll just peel open, but Ray Barton Racing makes the only one to buy that's shallow, wide and lots of capacity... ) $400 from Milodon , no picture. 21010
Wedge 1 Line Static Total: $395.38
Wedge 1 Line Static Total: $395.38
What the heck are the attachments on these hubs?
Just opened barn, in Portugal, about 200 cars, about 40 years of dust on them
About 58 high quality digital camera pictures, of 180 cars
About 58 high quality digital camera pictures, of 180 cars
Snap On has a cool magazine too!
this is coming out quarterly, but can be viewed online in PDF format, look the bottom left of the forementioned website
email them at volume 3 Spring 2007 is dropped off at smog shops, and anywhere else you see the Snap On Truck make deliveries, like EXP tires.
this is coming out quarterly, but can be viewed online in PDF format, look the bottom left of the forementioned website
email them at volume 3 Spring 2007 is dropped off at smog shops, and anywhere else you see the Snap On Truck make deliveries, like EXP tires.
Look for this magazine, it's great
MuscleCar Power. Here's a discussion thread that describes it well, but the link just deadends at, and doesn't show the car magazines website at all. hmmm.
However, I bought one, unlike those discussing it, and here's what I've found that contradicts the thread, the issue is 4.99 plus tax, and has no credits in the header page about Tom Shaw or Greg Donohue... so what is going on? Whatever the deal is, it's a better magazine than Hot Rod or Car Craft, and has very, very, little advertising.
Heavily recommended
Here's the website of it's publisher, who appears to be just as slow at IT as Primedia, and doesn't yet list MuscleCar Power magazine as something they make or take subscriptions to... hmmm also
However, I bought one, unlike those discussing it, and here's what I've found that contradicts the thread, the issue is 4.99 plus tax, and has no credits in the header page about Tom Shaw or Greg Donohue... so what is going on? Whatever the deal is, it's a better magazine than Hot Rod or Car Craft, and has very, very, little advertising.
Heavily recommended
Here's the website of it's publisher, who appears to be just as slow at IT as Primedia, and doesn't yet list MuscleCar Power magazine as something they make or take subscriptions to... hmmm also
The King is dead, etc etc etc. Dorks killed Motor Trend Classic, after 24 issues
These uncanny "trend" spotters are getting out of the ring, and pissing me off. I frickin loved my Motor Trend Classic every issue. Some fricking executives have decided for reasons unknown, that they couldn't keep that one title going.
For media inquiries contact: (so I have)(and will print the reply if they have any)
Elliot Sloane
Sloane & Company
570 Lexington Avenue, 24th FloorNew York, NY 10022
Telephone: (212) 486-9500
So here's why I'm bent out of shape. I just renewed my subscription, and that doesn't just imply, it guarantees! that they knowingly had requested m,ore renewals of a soon to be cancelled title. ? They also published the November / December 2006 issue without a mention that it was the last.
I realized one was late (yesterday) and called just an hour ago to find out if I'd mistaken the renewal amount, or forgot to send it.. etc etc etc was it my mistake?
They haven't even mass mailed out information about the cancellation, or what they intend to do with the money they hold in good faith that they are going to produce the issues YOU the subscriber have already paid for. MuscleCar Review pulled this stunt last year. I sent the check and subscription card in, they mailed a form letter in return, that referenced that they were returning my check.... but the envelope wasn't sealed on arriving in my post office box, and no check was returned, nor did the customer service dept come through with anything after having them on the phone.
Motor Trend's customer service was cool, but you have to go over all your info, like anyone is going to prank with anyone elses subscription.... wtf... and after confirming all the mailing address, phone # etc, we get to the fact that they'll apply the next 12 issues they owe me of MTClassic, to any other title (135) they produce. So the ladies were nice on the phone, heck, I feel sorry they have to deal with pissed off customers... that's all that gets me to call customer service of anywhere. Complaints. You are sure to find that the complaint department doesn't accept calls, emails, and so on, just letters in the mail.... ever hear of the dumpster? "Made of recycled materials"? Complaint letters, I'm sure.
So, these luddites eliminate a great magazine I've previously lauded here, in other postings, but you can still find that the website is active for Motor Trend Classic which is;
"About Motor Trend
Motor Trend, a PRIMEDIA publication, was founded in 1949 and has a circulation of 1.1 million and a total readership of 7.1 million. Internationally recognized as the world's number one automotive authority, Motor Trend is one of the leading brands in automotive publishing. The Motor Trend brand is comprised of Motor Trend Classic,; Motor Trend Radio; Truck Trend; Motor Trend International Auto Shows; Motor Trend en Espanol; and the renowned Motor Trend Car, Sport/Utility and Truck of the Year Awards program."
This is directly copied from the website
on the 19th of Feb, 2007 at 6:48 PM, California time.
No mention that MTC no longer exists
No mention that MTC no longer exists (in the press release page) which states The editorial is approachable and involving except when they are not approachable about the demise of the magazine. Morphadites.
No mention that MTC no longer exists (on the Motor Trend Classic webpage of the Primedia website) nothing about how the magazine is kaput.
the Editor in chief Angus MacKenzie did a video on how cool the magazine WAS, and it is here, and the magazine was the best. WAS, the mooks killed it and haven't stepped up to say so in a single medium available, print, press, or video. the git Angus says "subscribe at so you don't MISS A SINGLE ISSUE!" HA! you putz, wanker, etc. And 'ya know he's familiar with the brit term "WANKER". putz (in the marvelous Walter Matthau line to Jack Lemmon in Grumpy Old Men "Putz!")
HE ends his promo with the line, "This is one fun ride (pause for dramatic effect) that you don't want to miss."
I'm throwing down the gauntlet to the whole crew from the former MTC, who've axed a damn good title. And given no notice. I've been a subscriber to Motor Trend, and about 5 other Primedia publications, maybe more than 5... and that one title was better by far, than Motor Trend. Lets see, Street Rodder, Hot Rod, Car Craft, Automobile
News on the head execs of Primedia New York Post September 18, 2005 Peter Lauria
From Teds Garage, what happened seems to be the big dogs left the Primedia empire and got rich, then.... the whole Primedia empire goes up for sale... figures,-Motor-Trend-For-Sale.html
For media inquiries contact: (so I have)(and will print the reply if they have any)
Elliot Sloane
Sloane & Company
570 Lexington Avenue, 24th FloorNew York, NY 10022
Telephone: (212) 486-9500
So here's why I'm bent out of shape. I just renewed my subscription, and that doesn't just imply, it guarantees! that they knowingly had requested m,ore renewals of a soon to be cancelled title. ? They also published the November / December 2006 issue without a mention that it was the last.
I realized one was late (yesterday) and called just an hour ago to find out if I'd mistaken the renewal amount, or forgot to send it.. etc etc etc was it my mistake?
They haven't even mass mailed out information about the cancellation, or what they intend to do with the money they hold in good faith that they are going to produce the issues YOU the subscriber have already paid for. MuscleCar Review pulled this stunt last year. I sent the check and subscription card in, they mailed a form letter in return, that referenced that they were returning my check.... but the envelope wasn't sealed on arriving in my post office box, and no check was returned, nor did the customer service dept come through with anything after having them on the phone.
Motor Trend's customer service was cool, but you have to go over all your info, like anyone is going to prank with anyone elses subscription.... wtf... and after confirming all the mailing address, phone # etc, we get to the fact that they'll apply the next 12 issues they owe me of MTClassic, to any other title (135) they produce. So the ladies were nice on the phone, heck, I feel sorry they have to deal with pissed off customers... that's all that gets me to call customer service of anywhere. Complaints. You are sure to find that the complaint department doesn't accept calls, emails, and so on, just letters in the mail.... ever hear of the dumpster? "Made of recycled materials"? Complaint letters, I'm sure.
So, these luddites eliminate a great magazine I've previously lauded here, in other postings, but you can still find that the website is active for Motor Trend Classic which is;
"About Motor Trend
Motor Trend, a PRIMEDIA publication, was founded in 1949 and has a circulation of 1.1 million and a total readership of 7.1 million. Internationally recognized as the world's number one automotive authority, Motor Trend is one of the leading brands in automotive publishing. The Motor Trend brand is comprised of Motor Trend Classic,; Motor Trend Radio; Truck Trend; Motor Trend International Auto Shows; Motor Trend en Espanol; and the renowned Motor Trend Car, Sport/Utility and Truck of the Year Awards program."
This is directly copied from the website
on the 19th of Feb, 2007 at 6:48 PM, California time.
No mention that MTC no longer exists
No mention that MTC no longer exists (in the press release page) which states The editorial is approachable and involving except when they are not approachable about the demise of the magazine. Morphadites.
No mention that MTC no longer exists (on the Motor Trend Classic webpage of the Primedia website) nothing about how the magazine is kaput.
the Editor in chief Angus MacKenzie did a video on how cool the magazine WAS, and it is here, and the magazine was the best. WAS, the mooks killed it and haven't stepped up to say so in a single medium available, print, press, or video. the git Angus says "subscribe at so you don't MISS A SINGLE ISSUE!" HA! you putz, wanker, etc. And 'ya know he's familiar with the brit term "WANKER". putz (in the marvelous Walter Matthau line to Jack Lemmon in Grumpy Old Men "Putz!")
HE ends his promo with the line, "This is one fun ride (pause for dramatic effect) that you don't want to miss."
I'm throwing down the gauntlet to the whole crew from the former MTC, who've axed a damn good title. And given no notice. I've been a subscriber to Motor Trend, and about 5 other Primedia publications, maybe more than 5... and that one title was better by far, than Motor Trend. Lets see, Street Rodder, Hot Rod, Car Craft, Automobile
News on the head execs of Primedia New York Post September 18, 2005 Peter Lauria
From Teds Garage, what happened seems to be the big dogs left the Primedia empire and got rich, then.... the whole Primedia empire goes up for sale... figures,-Motor-Trend-For-Sale.html
Barney Oldfield, American icon, record setter
Barney Oldfield was the first man to drive a car at 60miles per hour (100 kmh).
On Memorial Day in 1903 in New York, Oldfield drove a mile in a minute flat in another match-race victory. Two months later, he powered the car to a mile run in 0:55.8 and that was enough for Winton to hire Oldfield, complete with salary, expenses and free cars.
His accomplishments led to the expression "Who do you think you are? Barney Oldfield?"
In 1910, Oldfield bought a Benz, in which he broke all existing speed records for the mile, two miles, and the kilometer in special runs at Ormond Beach, Fla. After that, he was able to charge a whopping $4,000 for personal appearances, something he didn't mind at all.
Once suspended by the American Automobile Association, the sanctioning body of the day, because of his "outlaw" racing activities, much of Oldfield's legitimate racing career was lost during his prime.
However, he competed at Indianapolis after being reinstated and his best finishes were fifth in 1914 and 1916. Additionally, he ran the first 100 miles per hour lap in Indianapolis history.
He helped found the Fisher Automobile Company, was a developer for Firestone tires, beat Winton (the founder of the Winton Car Company) in a Ford (by Fords requesting him as the driver), and had been inducted into the National Sprint Car Hall of Fame, the International Motor Sports Hall of Fame, and the Motorsports hall of fame of America.
Legend, pioneer, innovator.
On Memorial Day in 1903 in New York, Oldfield drove a mile in a minute flat in another match-race victory. Two months later, he powered the car to a mile run in 0:55.8 and that was enough for Winton to hire Oldfield, complete with salary, expenses and free cars.
His accomplishments led to the expression "Who do you think you are? Barney Oldfield?"
In 1910, Oldfield bought a Benz, in which he broke all existing speed records for the mile, two miles, and the kilometer in special runs at Ormond Beach, Fla. After that, he was able to charge a whopping $4,000 for personal appearances, something he didn't mind at all.
Once suspended by the American Automobile Association, the sanctioning body of the day, because of his "outlaw" racing activities, much of Oldfield's legitimate racing career was lost during his prime.
However, he competed at Indianapolis after being reinstated and his best finishes were fifth in 1914 and 1916. Additionally, he ran the first 100 miles per hour lap in Indianapolis history.
He helped found the Fisher Automobile Company, was a developer for Firestone tires, beat Winton (the founder of the Winton Car Company) in a Ford (by Fords requesting him as the driver), and had been inducted into the National Sprint Car Hall of Fame, the International Motor Sports Hall of Fame, and the Motorsports hall of fame of America.
Legend, pioneer, innovator.
Cars in Barns On the left menu, click on sleeping beauties
I found the name of the photographer from getting the book, "Cars in Barns"... some of the pics are in that book, along with the story of how the photographer found this storage barn with millions of dollars of rare / priceless unknown cars like the Cord 812, Bugatti's, etc
I found the name of the photographer from getting the book, "Cars in Barns"... some of the pics are in that book, along with the story of how the photographer found this storage barn with millions of dollars of rare / priceless unknown cars like the Cord 812, Bugatti's, etc
Sometimes I wish I knew the stories behind some photos
Ever wanted to drive a Lambo? Got $11,000?
This company appears to be in Both San Diego and Las Vegas, and for $11,000 up front, 90% is just the security deposit that you get back, you get to spend 30 minutes in a half day tour.... yeah, I know... 30 minutes drive time, for a thousand bucks........ you'd need a good reason.
So what the half day tour is, I've no idea. It boils down to a thou for 30 minutes to me.
The San Diego company is a luxury (obviously) car rental agency, S D Prestige, and they have 6 expensive cars that you can basically test drive for a thou.... ok, I think the Ferrari dealership isn't going to let you test drive a 360 Modena Spider, or a F430... 'cause you'd like to see what it feels like. Hmmm, allright, this San Diego Prestige company might be on to a good thing in that respect... at least for those who are trying to decide which expensive car is going to be the next garage resident.
The list of cars is quite elite, Aston Martin Vantage, Lotus Elise, the 2 aforementioned Ferrari's, a Porsche 911 turbo, and a Lambo Gallardo.
All my info comes from an article in the Feb 17 San Diego Union Trib, so that's why it makes no sense... first the writer stated that you gfet 30 minutes drive time, and in the 5th paragraph Joe Michaud the writer of the articl, says you drive for 120 miles of predetermined route, both interstate and twisty mountain roadway... how you get 120 miles in 30 minutes, without a lot of tickets...... no idea. My public scholl mind comes up with 30 minutes to drive 120 miles, 240 miles an hour. I obviously suffer from not having a good college education.
None the less, somehow, 30 minutes, 120 miles, $1,000, after you get the security deposit back so long as you don't hit anything... and you swap cars 6 times... in the 120 mile drive. Cool, you get a shot at each supercar.
The route starts and ends in La Jolla, goes to Lakeside, the Wildcat Canyon Road, through Julian and Descanso, and back to LaJolla... all this info from the article write, I have not checked the maps to see how they did it, but c'mon, all six cars, in an afternoon? For a thou? The writer, Joe, did nail the reason for the rides..... the best damn gift you can give someone you trust not to wreck a supercar.... for a present on and anniversary, xmas, birthday etc....
Damn fine idea.
Thanks to the Union Trib for spreading the word. Check the link for better details. I hope your special someone does this for you, and carefully reading their website, you get 30 minutes per car, Cool!
ps, the Vegas drive has the following; Ferrari, Viper, Corvette, AMG Mercedes, Porsche adn that can be found at
I also looked at a article from Car and Driver magazine, and in London the same sort of thing is available.... a Maserati, Viper, Ferrari, Aston Martin etc are the cars there.
This company appears to be in Both San Diego and Las Vegas, and for $11,000 up front, 90% is just the security deposit that you get back, you get to spend 30 minutes in a half day tour.... yeah, I know... 30 minutes drive time, for a thousand bucks........ you'd need a good reason.
So what the half day tour is, I've no idea. It boils down to a thou for 30 minutes to me.
The San Diego company is a luxury (obviously) car rental agency, S D Prestige, and they have 6 expensive cars that you can basically test drive for a thou.... ok, I think the Ferrari dealership isn't going to let you test drive a 360 Modena Spider, or a F430... 'cause you'd like to see what it feels like. Hmmm, allright, this San Diego Prestige company might be on to a good thing in that respect... at least for those who are trying to decide which expensive car is going to be the next garage resident.
The list of cars is quite elite, Aston Martin Vantage, Lotus Elise, the 2 aforementioned Ferrari's, a Porsche 911 turbo, and a Lambo Gallardo.
All my info comes from an article in the Feb 17 San Diego Union Trib, so that's why it makes no sense... first the writer stated that you gfet 30 minutes drive time, and in the 5th paragraph Joe Michaud the writer of the articl, says you drive for 120 miles of predetermined route, both interstate and twisty mountain roadway... how you get 120 miles in 30 minutes, without a lot of tickets...... no idea. My public scholl mind comes up with 30 minutes to drive 120 miles, 240 miles an hour. I obviously suffer from not having a good college education.
None the less, somehow, 30 minutes, 120 miles, $1,000, after you get the security deposit back so long as you don't hit anything... and you swap cars 6 times... in the 120 mile drive. Cool, you get a shot at each supercar.
The route starts and ends in La Jolla, goes to Lakeside, the Wildcat Canyon Road, through Julian and Descanso, and back to LaJolla... all this info from the article write, I have not checked the maps to see how they did it, but c'mon, all six cars, in an afternoon? For a thou? The writer, Joe, did nail the reason for the rides..... the best damn gift you can give someone you trust not to wreck a supercar.... for a present on and anniversary, xmas, birthday etc....
Damn fine idea.
Thanks to the Union Trib for spreading the word. Check the link for better details. I hope your special someone does this for you, and carefully reading their website, you get 30 minutes per car, Cool!
ps, the Vegas drive has the following; Ferrari, Viper, Corvette, AMG Mercedes, Porsche adn that can be found at
I also looked at a article from Car and Driver magazine, and in London the same sort of thing is available.... a Maserati, Viper, Ferrari, Aston Martin etc are the cars there.
A series of pictures on the "American Chopper" Hemi chopper
Built to match Paul Sr's 68 hemi Charger, it has all the remarkable qualities that you expect of an OCC.
Nascar's unprecendented diciplinary wrist slap
So, after all these years, NASCAR is still finding guys who try to sneak in some performance boost. Micheal Waltrip's car was busted for being on the juice. I heard it was jet fuel, and thats an extremely powerful oxygenator. Adds O2 like a sledgehammer pounds rocks. Hard.
Well, I don't blame the driver, crew chief, or team.... just who said jet fuel wasn't a legal fuel? I'm of the Smokey Yunick school of NASCAR rules, if there ain't a rule against it, it's legal until they catch you... and make a rule against it.
So somewhen after Waltrip ran a great qualifying time for the Daytona 500 (most important race of the season) they do a tear down inspection... "when NASCAR found a suspicious substance in his intake manifold. After three days of examination, it was determined to be a fuel additive designed to enhance horsepower "
Yeah, jet fuel can do that.
Seriously, when is the France family going to clue in, those aren't anything like stock cars anymore, and probably haven't resembled factory stock cars, sine the 70's. Cripe, Elvis was still alive. The NASCAR race teams do not modify factory cars, run factory engines, or rims, tires, fuel tanks, body styles, etc etc. So why if they do not have any car parts in common with a dealership delivered car, do they have to run anything resembling pump gas? You don't believe for a moment that those cars make 700-900 horsepower on 91 octane do you?
Not that Brian France and family give a damn what the fans want, so long as NASCAR sells advertising... but we'd love to see either
1)dealership delivered race cars,
2)NASCAR drivers race anything they can find in a WalMart parking lot, or
3) race car team owners get free rein to put anything together that will be faster and corner better that the competition.
I vote for paint ball gun turrets in the pop up trunk lids that smear other drivers view, bolt on rocket engines ( )for momentary blasts past the other cars, and John Force's crew making a car that will lap the field at 300 MPH and stop with BIG freakin parachutes deploying for pit stops, and new packed 'chutes being bolted on for the nextr 20 laps at 300mph. Go John Go!
Meanwhile, back in reality, this is the first time that NASCAR has ever thrown a teams points count into the negative before the season begins. There's something shocking about that.
"We were going to ratchet up penalties and you can see that's happened," Pemberton said. "We'll continue to raise the penalties as time goes forward until we get everybody's attention."
The Waltrip crew chief and director of competition are both ejected from the Daytona 500, but Waltrip is still in, driving a teammates backup car. Best of luck Mike, give 'em hell and a forehead slap... but for pete's sake own up to it, you risked getting caught, glory in how close you came to getting away with it, don't pull this crap on us...
"While he took responsibility and said he was embarrassed by what has happened, Waltrip reiterated Thursday morning that the problem with his fuel was not something done with his knowledge or sanction by the team.
“What took place was the act of an individual or individuals,” he said. “It’s not a reflection on our team, our organization, our sponsors or our manufacturer.”
Keep the bull to yourself, you lose my respect and your dignity by asking anyone to believe the "Mystery Mechanic" made a performance alteration to your race car, in your garage, with your tools, under your hood, without you knowing, or when your entire crew was looking the other way and not watching the million dollar ride you risk your life in at 200mph. Sheesh... go back to where you left them, and put your pair back in your pants when you get out of the car, 'cause you sure have them in place during the races.
Well, I don't blame the driver, crew chief, or team.... just who said jet fuel wasn't a legal fuel? I'm of the Smokey Yunick school of NASCAR rules, if there ain't a rule against it, it's legal until they catch you... and make a rule against it.
So somewhen after Waltrip ran a great qualifying time for the Daytona 500 (most important race of the season) they do a tear down inspection... "when NASCAR found a suspicious substance in his intake manifold. After three days of examination, it was determined to be a fuel additive designed to enhance horsepower "
Yeah, jet fuel can do that.
Seriously, when is the France family going to clue in, those aren't anything like stock cars anymore, and probably haven't resembled factory stock cars, sine the 70's. Cripe, Elvis was still alive. The NASCAR race teams do not modify factory cars, run factory engines, or rims, tires, fuel tanks, body styles, etc etc. So why if they do not have any car parts in common with a dealership delivered car, do they have to run anything resembling pump gas? You don't believe for a moment that those cars make 700-900 horsepower on 91 octane do you?
Not that Brian France and family give a damn what the fans want, so long as NASCAR sells advertising... but we'd love to see either
1)dealership delivered race cars,
2)NASCAR drivers race anything they can find in a WalMart parking lot, or
3) race car team owners get free rein to put anything together that will be faster and corner better that the competition.
I vote for paint ball gun turrets in the pop up trunk lids that smear other drivers view, bolt on rocket engines ( )for momentary blasts past the other cars, and John Force's crew making a car that will lap the field at 300 MPH and stop with BIG freakin parachutes deploying for pit stops, and new packed 'chutes being bolted on for the nextr 20 laps at 300mph. Go John Go!
Meanwhile, back in reality, this is the first time that NASCAR has ever thrown a teams points count into the negative before the season begins. There's something shocking about that.
"We were going to ratchet up penalties and you can see that's happened," Pemberton said. "We'll continue to raise the penalties as time goes forward until we get everybody's attention."
The Waltrip crew chief and director of competition are both ejected from the Daytona 500, but Waltrip is still in, driving a teammates backup car. Best of luck Mike, give 'em hell and a forehead slap... but for pete's sake own up to it, you risked getting caught, glory in how close you came to getting away with it, don't pull this crap on us...
"While he took responsibility and said he was embarrassed by what has happened, Waltrip reiterated Thursday morning that the problem with his fuel was not something done with his knowledge or sanction by the team.
“What took place was the act of an individual or individuals,” he said. “It’s not a reflection on our team, our organization, our sponsors or our manufacturer.”
Keep the bull to yourself, you lose my respect and your dignity by asking anyone to believe the "Mystery Mechanic" made a performance alteration to your race car, in your garage, with your tools, under your hood, without you knowing, or when your entire crew was looking the other way and not watching the million dollar ride you risk your life in at 200mph. Sheesh... go back to where you left them, and put your pair back in your pants when you get out of the car, 'cause you sure have them in place during the races.
More on the John Deere tractor ball, UPS ball found the John Deere tractor ball, and the UPS ball.
John Deere ball from Flikr (great photo website) the user on Flikr has quite a few photos of the spheres that Lars-Erik made here
John Deere ball from Flikr (great photo website) the user on Flikr has quite a few photos of the spheres that Lars-Erik made here
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